Saturday, February 16, 2008


I currently live with a married American couple of methodist missionaries who have lived for long in Africa. They first came to Liberia in the 1980s as Peace Corps volunteers for two years and were then based in Saniquellie, Nimba County. They both have interesting stories to tell - especially the man who is even more talkative - about Liberian culture, history, deaths from malaria, etc.

The man is an economist who in the past taught my current Director at Cuttington University in Bong County and now works at the University of Liberia. The woman also taught STCP Liberia Manager and now works at the YMCA.

They were once in Niger where they became friends with my former director at the West Africa Trade Hub. Our paths could have crossed at the office when they visited him in Accra but it happened here and we only discovered we have a common acquaintance after one week spent together.

I met one of their friends who teaches nursing in Ganta, Nimba County. Before, she was in Afghanistan where she stayed for 6 years from January 2001.

I like living with them specially for the fact that they have plenty books around the house.

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